Sick chicken, - what to do?


In the Brooder
7 Years
Mar 3, 2012
One of my six amberlinks seems sick. She’s just over 5 months old, and yesterday morning I noticed that she didn’t come to the feeder when I let them out of the coop. I watched her some more, and she just stood by herself, neither eating or drinking. I fixed a big rubbermaid tote to put her in and keep a close eye on her. I put some ACV into her drinking water, got her to eat some yogurt (studded with mealworms) and a hard-boiled egg. I washed her rear end which was pasted with poop, and she had a few watery poops after that. She perked back up toward the afternoon, so I put her back in with the other chickens, since she kept hopping out of the tote. She went straight to the nest box and laid a tiny egg. This morning she didn’t come out of the coop when I opened the pop door. I expected the worst, but found her sitting in the coop, covered with poop. Now she’s back in the tote, mostly sleeping. I offered her the same food as yesterday, but she’s not eating. I don’t feel anything wrong with her body, she’s just kind of poofy.
What could this be, and what else can I do for her? I don’t want her to suffer because of my lack of experience!
There are quite a few things it could be. Here are some questions: How is her crop? Hard, squishy? Is it full in the morning even before she's eaten? If so, could be an impacted crop. Any blood in the poop? Or any worms? Any external parasites around the vent? (Lice/mites?) Has it been very hot where you are? She could have heat stroke (often accompanied by strong-smelling yellowish poop). Any bloating or squishyness in her belly? Any coughing/sneezing/wheezing? If you're sure there's nothing physical wrong with her, then I'm not sure what it is. It could be cocci (though it is much more common in chicks), or some sort of internal problem or respiratory problem. Any new chickens introduced recently? Is there any smelly discharge from the vent? If so, it could be sour crop or vent gleet. Does her breath smell at all? Let us know if her condition changes!
Last Fall I had a sick chicken with a hard crop. Took her to the vet (check with vet office not all will see chickens), put on antibiotics and she improved quickly. Was advised not to keep emptying her crop, which is what was one suggestion I found on-line. She is a happy and healthy 1 1/2 yr old now.

Cost about $30; but was worth it to us.

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