Sick chicken!


10 Years
Sep 5, 2009
New Hampshire
Alright, this is puzzling me. I have a sick RIR/NHR cross, she's about 2 years old now. Her comb looks normal, color and everything, she's standing, and I've inspected her for mites or any other peculiarities, and everthing checks out. She's just standing in a corner and not eating, and when I picked her up liquid kept dripping from her mouth, for about 5 minutes until I put her down and came in here. I'm not sure if that's because she had just drinken, she was near the waterer, but I didn't see her drink and it didn't look clear, like water. She's not eating, even when I put some cracked corn in front of her, which is their favorite treat.

I'm going to go to the store to pick up some Poly Vi Sol without iron tonight after class, but does anyone have any other ideas/suggestions? All the other chickens seem fine.

She also didn't panic when I picked her up, and she seemed pretty weak, her eyes would close, and she was pretty relaxed. Pretty unusual for this particular chicken.

Any help would be great!!
Impacted or sour crop? Hope some one with experience chimes in soon.

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