Sick Chickens

Hopefully someone can respond that has more knowledge in this than I.
I've never had it so I am not much help other than directing you to forums or literature that might help.
If I were you, I'd go to the top the screen here, in the search box and type in key words such as canker soars in mouth, blisters in mouth, wet pox, or trichomonas, depending on what you think your chicken's have. If your unsure, by reading and looking at pictures and descriptions should help you narrow it down. You can also see what others have done for treatments.
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Sorry for your loss... The small bumps look more like yeast to me, maybe pox, but I'm no expert. FWIW, I spoke with two avian pathologists at UC Davis when I thought I had canker in a couple of mine and they both said that it's rare in chickens and was more likely an infection or pox... Turns out is was probably pox which might explain why treating them with metronidazole did not help.

Do you think the small bumps could turn put to be nothing and that they just have ear mites? They do have little bugs on them that I sprayed with permethrin the other day.

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