sick chicks 8weeks old


6 Years
Feb 20, 2013
berks county, Pa
I have 6 chicks that I hatched from a incubator. They are 2 months old they all have been doing good. But today I notice two are keeping to them self not very active they been drinking. I did notice the one had watery poop. Went out to close the coop they are roosting but the two that I think are sick are sleeping by them shelf. They have not be vaccinated. What might it be any help would be great. Thanks
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At this age if I saw any who were lethargic, puffed up, not eating well, and having any diarrhea (with or without blood,) then I would suspect coccidiosis and treat with Corid (amprollium.) Dosage is 2 tsp of liquid Corid or amprollium (or 1.5 tsp of the powder) per gallon of water for 5 days. If Corid cannot be located at your feedstore in the cattle section, then get sulfadimethoxine or Sulmet, and follow package directions. After Corid is finished, give them 3 days of vitamins and probiotics in their water for gut bacteria health. Until you can get the Corid, give them a little bread soaked in buttermilk. Chicks with cocci frequently won't drink well, so you may need to give them some medicated water with a dropper. Below are puffed up chicks.

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Thanks for getting back to me should I treat all the chicks and also 1 year old male turkey is with them. should I treat all of them.

Thanks again

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