Sick EE Hen - twisted neck, swollen eye, green poo, crop not emptying.

I ended up taking her to the vet today.

She has an inner ear infection, causing her lots of pain and her balance is all messed up. She is on an oral antibiotic for it. He said she may have a permanent head tilt but be functionally fine for the rest of her life.

She ALSO has sour crop and is on Nystatin to kill the yeast.

Lastly she has a case of conjunctivitis from dragging her poor face on the ground and I have some drops for it. The vet said in birds, the whole face tends to drain during an infection like that so that explains her runny nose/sniffles.

The point I want to make here is that even though I had read everything I could and made an informed decision - I WAS TOTALLY WRONG. I thought this bird had a vitamin deficiency or a serious respiratory infection (thought maybe Corzya due to smell and eye problems) and I was freaking out for no reason. So, people, DON'T FREAK OUT until you know for sure.

The vet said she seems alert and that assuming all the meds work as intended, she should make a full recovery. He also wrote me several refills for the meds in the future that don't expire for a year so I can refill if it happens again. He also gave me a bunch of needles for when I need to do subcutaneous injections for the chickens and my squirrels (I rehab) he showed me how to insert a feeding tube and how to give a chicken an injection, as well as the proper way to massage a crop and give medications without drowning the bird.

I love my vet, great guy.

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