sick hen--is she egg bound or what?


12 Years
Mar 5, 2007
One of my Red Star layers (age 2) is sick. Three days ago she was standing in the coop, when the others were roosting, and she looked very uncomfortable. I saw that she had some dried feces around her vent and thought that might the problem. I brought her in, soaked her bottom in a pail of warm water and massaged her. She seemed to relax. Then I felt in her vent—couldn’t feel an egg but I did put some olive oil in there. That has worked for egg bound hens before. I have had her in a crate indoors since. She has lots of treat foods available but isn’t eating much. This morning (day 3) I tried the warm water soak and olive oil again. Some watery poop comes out. I don’t feel an egg. The other Red Star layers have been laying pretty big eggs lately. But if she is trying to pass an egg I would think I could feel it. She is standing now, looking very uncomfortable. I’d appreciate any ideas for what I can do to help her.
Claraserena, I had that problem the other day. My Red Star was standing in the run looking uncomfortable, and take a little nap while standing... Then she would strain, I kept watching her... she would do the same thing for a while. Later on when I checked on her, there was an egg yolk (all by itself) on the ground, I looked around and saw the white part in another part of the run, then she was trying to push out the soft shell, I had to help her and gently tug it out. Now she feels better, no egg yesterday. Which is good, cause I think she need a rest from egg laying. No egg today, maybe later. Mine are about 20 weeks old, so I'm guessing they are trying to adjust to the egg business. I wouldn't know what to suggest, as I'm new at chickens. Hope it works out for you and her. Maybe someone with chicken wisdom will help you out. Let me know how goes. Also she had watery poop like yours and very large (I'm guessing double yolker) eggs.
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I almost think that she's trying to lay a soft shelled egg. If you feel between her legs you might be able to feel the egg where it passes through the oviduct. She may need more time in the warm bath. I'd not put anymore oil or anything else in there.
Has she been pooping regularly? She may be constipated too.
I let her out for awhile because the weather was mild and it might help her to walk around. But she mostly just stood in one place
I brought her back in because it got so windy out and she was just standing in the shelter of a plant.
I don't feel anything between her legs. She hasn't eaten much of anything since Tuesday and hasn't pooped except that after I soaked her and put in the oil there was runny poop. What would you do for her if she were constipated? I had put some olive oil in her water but I don't think she took any.
To get a hen to take oil, you have to make them. Use a dropper and give it to her in her mouth. If she is constipated then this should help. Good luck. I hope that she recovers.
Have you thought about calling the vet?
I did call a vet--he gave me something for coccidiocius and an anti-bacterial, two droppers full/day. She is in a crate and has food and water but hasn't eaten. But she is at least lying down--before she looked like she could only stand kind of crouched over. I will try the olive oil in a dropper tomorrow. I’m more hopeful. I will let you know how she is in the morning. Thank you for your help and concern!
I really hope that she makes it. I am rooting for you and her!
Hopefully the combo of the meds and some love will make her better.
I currently have a little 2 day old phesant that isnt doing well. I know how helpless it makes you feel to not know what is wrong.
She's on meds and yesterday ate a lot of watermelon and preened herself and seems more alert. Today she is not eating, just sitting but she seems comfortable.

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