Sick Hen. What is it? Contagious??


In the Brooder
Jun 20, 2021
The symptoms include crackled breathing (like she’s gargling something), sometimes she coughs but nothing comes up. Her throats clear and I don’t she anything blocking her airway. I thought it was the DE I spread around the coop yesterday but she is the only one showing these symptoms. I have her quarantined in the garage where it’s warmer, but it’s only 65 outside. Any ideas? It’s sad but if it is contagious I’m gonna have to give her the old twisteroo and put this girl out of her misery. She does not sound or look good, she was perked up for the photo when I put her in the pen, her tail was low and she didn’t even run from me when I went to get her.


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I think it was the diatomaceous earth I put in the coop, her comb is bright red and I read how it can cause issues like this. There are no new birds introduced. I will worm them and dust them with gardstar and hope she pulls through. DE causes issues and I don’t think it will be contagious to the other birds.
I think it was the diatomaceous earth I put in the coop, her comb is bright red and I read how it can cause issues like this. There are no new birds introduced. I will worm them and dust them with gardstar and hope she pulls through. DE causes issues and I don’t think it will be contagious to the other birds.
I hope she gets better soon:)

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