Sick Hens - Coughing, Runny Nose, Stretching Neck to breathe?

Oh, one more thing.... When I called local vets asking for the Tylan, I also asked if it would be safe to cook and feed the eggs back to my birds and they said YES.

Please let me know if you have heard or feel differently and why.
Yes, you can definitely feed the eggs back to the birds. I can't think (offhand) of any antibiotics that you can't, though I'm sure there probably are some out there. And I'm not surprised vets don't carry it - it's sort of one of those treatments that a vet will rarely use except livestock vets. Most other vets now days just throw Baytril at anything and everything (which I'm afraid will just make another terramycin situation for us in a few years).

I'm very sorry to hear about your lost bird but hopefully if there are any others holding on to something this'll maybe clear it.

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