Sick Pirate Bird Help *with video of sound*


Oct 3, 2018
My Coop
My Coop
1) What type of bird , age and weight (does the chicken seem or feel lighter or thinner than the others.)
Bardrock Pirate Free Ranging Layer

2) What is the behavior, exactly.
Weird 'girgilling, palecomb (was paler yesterday), Weird sneeze caught, odd feeling crop (however it was an empty crop as I let them out)

3) How long has the bird been exhibiting symptoms?
Has had a pail comb for a few days then girgiling found yesterday

4) Are other birds exhibiting the same symptoms?
No, but I have 4 others and my neighbor has like 15 free range

5) Is there any bleeding, injury, broken bones or other sign of trauma.
Not noticeable
6) What happened, if anything that you know of, that may have caused the situation.
Weather>? Started to get a lot colder then warm 60's and 50's nights then cold again then off/also this is their first witner

7) What has the bird been eating and drinking, if at all.
Yeah so far, food with B Vitamins and DE. Drinking water that has VetRx drops, a lil apple cider vinegar, probiotics, vitamins, and electrolytes.

8) How does the poop look? Normal? Bloody? Runny? etc.
On some runny but not sure

9) What has been the treatment you have administered so far?
Vet Rx to water, throat, nose, and under the wings pre roost. massaging her crop

10 ) What is your intent as far as treatment? For example, do you want to treat completely yourself, or do you need help in stabilizing the bird til you can get to a vet?
Rather not vet if possible

11) If you have a picture of the wound or condition, please post it. It may help.

12) Describe the housing/bedding in use
Well circulated air, no bedding exept wheat hay in their laying boxes.

Instead of bedding I have hardware cloth below their roost which poop gets scraped from a lower chamber and emptied daily and I scatter DE in the coop and outside eating area.

Lost one maybe last early october? had a nevious disorder and then I corrided 'em and they seemed to be fine

-Addi of Crazy Cripple Farms
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Advice Please and Thank you

What do you think might be up. I've researched up and down youtube and these forms and found kinda a little but yeah

She had way paler of a comb yesterday and looked better today however shes still making those sounds I posted above (which are also from today)

Been VetRxing her and sorta the rest. How often should I apply it 4x daily correct
(how much is too much and anyone know why it needs to be warm / how important is that)

And any advice. I want to be as organic as possible but yeah
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Advice Please and Thank you

What do you think might be up. I've researched up and down youtube and these forms and found kinda a little but yeah

She had way paler of a comb yesterday and looked better today however shes still making those sounds I posted above (which are also from today)

Been VetRxing her and sorta the rest. How often should I apply it 4x daily correct

And any advice. I want to be as organic as possible but yeah

Sorry about your girl.
Sounds like you are giving her good support but she may need Tylan 50 as this sounds like a respiratory issue. She should also be isolated from the rest of your birds.
I have never had to deal with a respiratory issue so I can't give any more advice than this.
@Eggcessive , @Wyorp Rock , @Texas Kiki , @rebrascora , @casportpony, @aart can any of you help?
It sounds like she is gasping and having rales (rattles.) There is mucus in her airway, and that can be a virus, bacterial disease such as mycoplasma, or even a fungus from mold. Make sure there is no wet areas in the bedding which can quickly grow mold. I might go ahead and try injectable Tylan 50, an antibiotic that you can give ORALLY at 1/4 ml per pound 3 times a day. A BR could get as much as 2 ml. Remove the needle from the syringe, and squirt a couple of drops into the beak at a time, letting her swallow. Treat for 5 days.
Weird 'girgilling, palecomb (was paler yesterday), Weird sneeze caught, odd feeling crop (however it was an empty crop as I let them out)

Sounds like a respiratory illness. Mycoplasma and/or Infectious Bronchitis would be my guess. If she has a foul smell, then Infectious Coryza would need to be considered.

Can you explain "odd feeling crop" - was it just full last night, but it did empty by morning?

Antibiotics can help with secondary infection due to respiratory illness. You can find injectable Tylan50 at most feed stores. Dosage is .20ml per pound of weight given orally 3 times a day for 5 days in a row. If you only can give it 2 times a day, bump up your dosage to .30ml per pound of weight.

If she does have a respiratory illness, the other chickens have already been exposed. Keep in mind that respiratory illnesses make sick birds and those exposed carriers of the disease.
Sounds like a respiratory illness. Mycoplasma and/or Infectious Bronchitis would be my guess. If she has a foul smell, then Infectious Coryza would need to be considered.

Can you explain "odd feeling crop" - was it just full last night, but it did empty by morning?\

Yep her crop was full last night and empty this morning.
I actually lost the ability to smell post accident so yeah not sure

I don't plan on sepeating them cause we have so many chickens around this property I feel its too late/I feel like it might be better for them to eat free ranging (might open my mini wheat field again)
So was waiting on results to post,

Should I (or have already) tylon 50 all the other ladies?

I tylon 50'd the sick one for 5 days and while vetRXing them all shes seems all better but

One of the sweetist girls and hardest to catch has one swollen eye which started this morning (1st pic was 10am second was 12)

Anyone know if this looks like a pecking dispute or the mycoplasma swell (waiting on to see if it gets worse)

Heard a few sneezes from the gang but its also 50 degrees and raining

They're all eating and drinking as well

But yeah

And also thanks, everbody for the advice and stuff


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Glad your one girl is doing better!

The photos of your BR that you just posted, to me that looks like a sinus infection. Could be Mycoplasma since that's what you think you are dealing with. Look at the facial swelling closely for any indication that she may have been pecked (scab).

You only want to treat birds that are sick and showing symptoms. A bottle of Tylan50 should last you a good while unless you start having to treat a bunch of birds.
All of the ladies are sick, minus the one who I first tyland and Soma

2 lathargic, railes, missing feathers (Roost, Altiar)
(1 in coop, one in green house)

1 rales and 1 not as excited for treats and kinda
(Tezzeret ((crazy hyper one))

The last 3 started tylan50ing should Istart altiar too?
I feel like if i did all the birds in the begining theyd be fine

Help? Advice? Anything?
Seems to be spreading through the flock fairly quickly. It would probably be a good idea to go ahead and treat all. You would still need to dose them individually since injectable Tylan50 is dosed by weight.
An alternative would be powdered Tylan50 but you would need a prescription for that- the main complaint I've seen with medications that go in the drinking water is when birds are sick a lot of times a bird does not drink enough for the medication to be effective. If you have a good relationship with your vet, it may be worth a try to get some though.

If it is MG that you are dealing with, like discussed earlier, they will be carriers. Chickens with respiratory disease can become symptomatic, especially during times of stress (molting, changes in flock dynamics/adding/taking away birds, weather changes, etc.). You may want to think about using a something like Denagard (Tiamulin) once a month as a "maintenance" to help prevent symptoms.

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