Sick Potbelly Boar?


Apr 2, 2017
My Porkchop isn't eating today, he is drinking but doesn't touch his food. He walks slowly and overall doesn't look well, he does have diarrhea. And he has lost some weight. Other than that I can't tell any other symptoms. What should I do????? I'm so worried!! I have antibiotics, should I start those? Wormer?? Our sow thats in the pen with him acts perfectly fine
The only thing different I can think of: I threw some overripe banana and Itallian peppers in their pen, could they have caused upset stomach and scours?
First of all, take his temperature. If he has a fever, treat him. If it is just simple indigestion he should be better tomorrow.
he seems to be feeling better today, he won't let me anywhere near him with a thermometer. He still hasn't eaten though. Getting him some pumpkin, hopefully he eats that
He ate about half a can of pureed pumpkin and most of his normal food, hopefully it was just indegestion from the peppers. Hes also acting more like himself :)

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