Sick Poult... Only 1-2 weeks old at the most

I hope someone can help you figure it out. We've had rotten luck with poults that go that way. Nothing has seemed to help. Hopefully moving him on his own will make a difference. Our poults always seem so fragile until they are about two months old and I don't hold my breath on any of them before three months any more. Good luck.
I bought rooster booster which is just vitamins and I took a syringe and put just 4 drops and got it in mine... started to perk up right away and did it again in another 4 and he/she is fine.. did try same thing on a 2nd one but didnt make it... not sure what is going on this year just seems a lot are losing turkey chicks.. the one I had that was sick was a chocolate and the one that died was a chocolate the bourbon reds (same ages) are doing fine and so is the Black Spanish.

The chocolates are on critical list and not sure why unless they have a higher mortality rate does anyone know? I would like to help preserve these heritage birds.
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