Sick Pullet need help


Jun 1, 2019
Hey, So ive been searching and coming up empty. I need some help trying to figure out whats wrong with my girl. Shes about 3 months old and up until yesterday afternoon seemly fine. I went out to bring everyone their afternoon snacks and found her with her head stuck in the fencing and it drooping down. I immediately got her unstuck(she wasn't really stuck the hole was big enough for her to get herself out) she got up and walked a bit away. I went and collected eggs came back and she was back there again with her head stuck in the hole. I removed her from the group and brought her inside. I put her down to try and asses what was going on and she almost appeared to have some wry neck symptoms. Ive had a couple birds with it and treated it successfully but the more i watched her the more confused i got. We put her in a small dog crate and she would immediately put her head through the holes in the crate. Each and every time. I didn't have any poly-vi-sol on hand so i left her with my son and went to grab some. She was chirping a bunch and then over night she went down hill.( I did get some electrolytes in her and some poly-vi-sol) She wanted nothing to do with any-type of food. I checked on her around 5 am and she had both her eyes closed not responding to much at all. I got some water in her and some more vitamins. She has no drainage, no wheezing, checked her vent clean and good, I dont see any parasites. She pooped once last night and it was a bit runny with a bigger white spot in it. I didn't see any blood. The only thing i noticed was her crop had not emptied over night. It soft and i dont feel anything hard in there. She looks pretty bad off. i gave her some Olive oil and massaged her crop. She will drink water if you hold her and put her beak in it. Shes slept all day wont even really open her eyes when you pick her up. She did have a poop while i was gone it was runny and look to have had either grass or maybe hay in it....Should i just keep treating for impacted crop??? Should i give her corrid too just in case??? I also feel like I should mention she was on medicated feed as well. Any help would be greatly appreciated because im stumped!!!!
If her crop hasn't emptied, I'd suspect sour crop, an impaction (perhaps a grass mat), or both. I'm not sure if that would influence her odd behavior much, but might have it if this has been ongoing for some time. Usually birds with crop issues still seem to have an appetite because they're somewhat food-starved. But she could have multiple issues.

For wry neck issues I've used vitamin E with selenium capsules in place of Poly-Vi-Sol as sometimes the stores I have access to don't have the latter.
updated.. think she has sour crop. No smell but her crop did not empty over night the first night and was-is soft and squishy. Were going on day two of her having no food just water and its still about the same size. she got her first treatments of monistat yesterday. After the first treatment in the morning she was a bit more alert then she had been. She she doesn't show any interest in drinking water on her own but will drink when i put the water to her beak. weve also been giving her olive oil in a dropper and massaging about 3 times a day. She is pooping and and i can see grass and some food in her poop. Hopefully this is a good sign. How long should i with hold food?? If she doesn't want to eat should i syringe feed?? its been almost 2 days with out her eating....
If her crop hasn't emptied, I'd suspect sour crop, an impaction (perhaps a grass mat), or both. I'm not sure if that would influence her odd behavior much, but might have it if this has been ongoing for some time. Usually birds with crop issues still seem to have an appetite because they're somewhat food-starved. But she could have multiple issues.

For wry neck issues I've used vitamin E with selenium capsules in place of Poly-Vi-Sol as sometimes the stores I have access to don't have the latter.

Thank you for the response. She stopped running head first into things. She only did that for a bit immediatly after i found her. I posted an update down below maybe you would have some more helpful hint...I stopped the wry neck treatment to treat for the sour crop...Anything else you suggest??
She may have:
1) sour/impacted crop
2) coccidiosis
3) worms
4) stuck egg?
If you want to know what her poop means, there is this website that I always use.

Hope that helps. Good luck :)

I have not seen any bloody stools what so ever. Im not sure about worms. But i've seen no evidence in her stool to suggest she has worms. She hasnt starting laying yet i think shes close to 4 months. Ill look at the chart thanks for the help. I think she has sour crop...
Do you regularly massage the crop? Some people will hold the bird upside down and try to force the mass out her mouth. This may work if she has an impaction but be aware it may also cause her to aspirate. If it's sour crop, nothing may come out but water. If she'll eat scrambled eggs, feed her solely that (no grains). Some people have luck using wine. I've used cooked egg, plain kefir, and some raw garlic and after a few days it's cleared up. Keep us posted!
Do you regularly massage the crop? Some people will hold the bird upside down and try to force the mass out her mouth. This may work if she has an impaction but be aware it may also cause her to aspirate. If it's sour crop, nothing may come out but water. If she'll eat scrambled eggs, feed her solely that (no grains). Some people have luck using wine. I've used cooked egg, plain kefir, and some raw garlic and after a few days it's cleared up. Keep us posted!

Thanks for the response. I went and got monistat three and have been cut the suppositories into thirds and give her a portion in the morning and at night. After her first treatment yesterday morning she perked up a bit. Today she is a bit more alert and is now standing. I've also been giving olive oil 2-3 times a day and crop massages as well. She will drink water on her own if I place her beak in it. I did syringe feed her some yogurt tonight because today was full day 2 with nothing but water. Im hoping she will regain her appetite soon. I may have to try garlic. Ive noticed her crop has gone down a little bit but still has not emptied. She is having bowel movements and I can see some that had some grains/grass and some other goodies in it. So....Something is moving along. Slow and steady i guess. Im hoping she starts to feel better though. Thanks for the advice!!!

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