Sick quail seeming better, then dies

Sep 7, 2019
I've been wondering why my sick quails seem much better after proper care, then suddenly they die. This happened a few months ago when a one year old quail seemed lethargic so I brought her inside, and she seemed to be recovering, then suddenly she passed away.

Then a few days ago, I noticed Turtle, my two-and-a-half-year-old quail, was sick. At first I thought she wasn't going to make it because of her age and because she weighed nothing, but she started to eat and drink fine, and was not lethargic anymore. Even though she seemed like she was recovering, I still kept her inside.

Then today when she was constantly fluffed up, lethargic and closing her eyes, not even eating mealworms, I knew today might be her last day.

It's just strange. Why do they always seem like they're recovering, but they suddenly just die? These days when she was inside, she was gaining weight and wasn't so sick. Does anyone have an explanation for this?

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