sick red


9 Years
Aug 19, 2010
I’ve noticed one of my 8 month old Road island reds is just very slow and isn’t active at all. she just stands in one spot , haven’t seen her eat, but know that she is drinking.
I have ten other hens, and they all seem fine so I examined her and found no injuries felt to see if she was bound in anywhere. Couldn’t fell and egg or something stuck in the throat then I isolated her in another coop. what should I do now? what do I look for????
This morning I checked on her and found her sitting on the roust still as can be and her poop was bright yellow and runny. she moves real slow and hasnt left the roust, dose anyone know what this could be??
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I’ve noticed one of my 8 month old Road island reds is just very slow and isn’t active at all. she just stands in one spot , haven’t seen her eat, but know that she is drinking.
I have ten other hens, and they all seem fine so I examined her and found no injuries felt to see if she was bound in anywhere. Couldn’t fell and egg or something stuck in the throat then I isolated her in another coop. what should I do now? what do I look for????
This morning I checked on her and found her sitting on the roust still as can be and her poop was bright yellow and runny. she moves real slow and hasnt left the roust, dose anyone know what this could be??
So sorry! I cant help but can give a bump! how is she now? : (
shes gone now , I'm sorry to say !
she had gotten off her safe rost and layed down next to the edge or the pin and didnt go back after dark and a racoon got her through the poulty fence. The rest of the flock look ok so far, feed them some pumkin and apples today.
Thanks for giving a bump!
shes gone now , I'm sorry to say !
she had gotten off her safe rost and layed down next to the edge or the pin and didnt go back after dark and a racoon got her through the poulty fence. The rest of the flock look ok so far, feed them some pumkin and apples today.
Thanks for giving a bump!
Sorry to hear, I have a chicken thats like that aswell, shes not very active and doesnt like to jump around like the other 8.

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