Sick rooster HELP

The Birb King

Bird is the word
Dec 10, 2022
So a few weeks ago someone gave me about 3 month old Biefelder rooster. Ever since I got him there was just something not right with him. He was never very active and would never even attempt to fight back when a chicken pecked him. The past few days he has really not been looking good. He will cluelessly wander around with his neck not stretched out at all, and he will sit upright in one spot with his eyes closed for long periods of time. When I pick him up he feels very light like he isn't eating enough, and he is also very unbalanced and falls over easily. Today he was just laying on the coop floor and can't really get up without falling over. I don't know how much time he has left :(

Inspect him anyway to see what the cause of his death might have been.
You could do a home necropsy or even send him to your state vet lab to get closure.

Hopefully it was nothing contagious and the rest of your flock will stay healthy.
I can't really do that now I just buried him

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