Sienna star. Anyone familiar with them?

Birdsong 82

Free Ranging
6 Years
Aug 17, 2017
In the beginning of March I purchased to Sienna stars with my other pullets. When I go to research them I can never really find information. But a lot of things I come up with a red star. Are they the same thing? If not does anybody have any or know anything about them? I always try to research the general things about each breed I have But can’t find a lot of information. Thanks guys
OK maybe I can try researching them that way. Every time I try to research them just you know about temperament egg laying abilities and things of that nature the only thing I can come up with is the red star but I guess if they’re both a mix up the same then they are the same right? I’ve never really had to try to figure things like this out. I’ve only Ever Raised Rd., Island reds and leg horn’s but this year I wanted to add some different breeds in that’s the only when I couldn’t figure out
I couldn’t get much info but I really suck at researching things on the Internet. My extent of Internet is pretty much what I’ve done since I’ve had a smart phone for about a year. No Internet at home. The info I guess is out there I just haven’t been smart enough to find it yet. LOL thank you
I bought 4 Sienna Stars around the same time you did. They just started laying about 3 weeks ago. I had the same problem as you and couldn't find any info about them. There are NO photos of what they look like online. Sure, there are a lot of results in a google search, but all of the information in each result is the exact same info just copied and pasted.
Please post pics of birds and include information on this breed if possible-- inquiring minds would like to know!! This info will be of great help for other folks looking for breed information as well.
I got some Sienna Stars at the beginning of August. We are calling them our wild children. They were the first to escape the brooder, and would flap about when we were handling them. They have not shown any aggression, though.
They are the brown ones in the picture and about 7 weeks old there.

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