Silent and deadly...


May 14, 2019
Norlina, NC
I don't know what it is, but there have been three chickens between 8 weeks and 12weeks old go missing by something. I assume that same thing went after my 9 week old duck and caused damage to her eye... it's all happened in the afternoon/evening time (after 4 pm) the first one happened two days ago. I figured she had gotten lost since she liked to wander back by the cow pasture gate, but yesterday evening my dog brought back what was left of her remains. Assuming he knew that I would want to bury her with my other lost babies. All that was left was her one wing and the bones/tendons leading to her tail RIP Ein...

When I went outside today something felt off with my little ones but I figured it was because I was expecting Ein to be there running around with her sisters... but just now my mom who was showing my brother's aunt the chickens noticed that our polish chick was missing and my duck had what looked like dried blood on her face and feathers. So I went out there and looked around and not only is our polish missing but another chick is missing as well.

It is cause for concern for me because I have yet to have a problem with predators and now it seems they are picking my flock off one a day I dont know if it is an owl or a hawk, but I dont know what I can do. I know losing some to predators is something that can happen, but this predator is getting them from inside their pen and making no where safe for them to go. It makes me reluctant to continue working on a larger pen further away from the house where I had planned to house them... Not only that, but also those chicks were almost as big as my smallest dog and that is another concern on top of everything...
Are they free ranging when this happens?
Any chance of a game cam?
My uncle took the trail cam I had set up for the chickens with him hunting and left it somewhere in the woods... Ein my brown chicken was taken while she was free ranging but the other two were in the fenced in pen since I figured a fox or coyote most likely got Ein and didnt want to free range them to keep them safe... unfortunately it was pointless...
Yes, I agree with locking them up early and setting up trail cams as soon as you can get one. That way you'll know what you're dealing with.

Also, I doubt this but I just want to put it out there--maybe the culprit could be one of your dogs? :confused:

I first thought that the one dog got Ein but there is a lack of feathers and/or crime scene he has accidentally killed a baby chick when trying to play with it but he didnt eat it. He also cannot get in the chicken coop since it is a three foot step over to get inside. He also has caught and killed a mouse but whatever he gets at always is left at the bottom of the porch stairs with the toys and other non toy stuff he chews to pieces. But I know for a fact he could not have attacked the chickens in the coop.
No cover on your run?
It is fairly large I have attempted tarps and wires as coverage but tarps didnt go well with the fencing and rain so they tore under the weight and the wires didn't seem to work since I couldn't get them tight enough from drooping. I thought of using thick fishing line but I wasn't sure if that would work or not.
Hard to know for sure. Do you have soft ground that will show tracks? If so start taking picks of the tracks and you can look up online for charts to determine what made them. I am of the opinion that if your Uncle is baiting in coyotes that you have a sizable population and they will be cruising through to see what’s available... they will hunt at dusk especially if they have pups to feed and will not leave much of trace. Bummer that you lost some biddies

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