Silkie and leghorns?


In the Brooder
7 Years
Nov 11, 2012
I've never had chicken before but im thinking of getting some. I might get 4 leghorns, 4 silkies, and 1 leghorn rooster. Does that seem alright? I will have plenty of coop space and a big fenced in area since i live in the country (MI) These chickens and roo will be kept together. Anything wrong here? Any tips?
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Just make sure you only have ONE rooster because if you have more than one, they will fight and hens will lose feathers.
Fox-proof your coop, so that nothing gets your chickens. I put a radio on overnight.
If your going to Free range them, try to supervise them, you never want a fox getting at your best laying hens.
I wouldn't do leghorns and silkies. Silkies are easily picked on and bullied. And leghorns tend to be shovey and mean. I had a white leghorn hen bully one of my silkie girls to death :( if you are looking for a good layer and tempermant I'd suggest Sexlink hens for a mixed flock.
thank you sooo much and the main reason i want leghorns is because my dad he's all LeGhOrN CrAzY!!
And my chickens will be fenced in and fox trapps and guns are coming out
also I will only have one roo!! Thankyou
another question umm would it be ok to add 2 polish chicken? if not then i dont care just what eva is best for the chickens


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