? silkie brooding???


9 Years
Feb 3, 2010
I have a silkie hen and want her to hatch some eggs from my other chickens and some of her own. I have collected the other eggs expecting her to go broody any time. I have her in a smaller broody cage that is like 2x3 with nest in one side and food and water on the other. I put golf balls in her nest and she is setting on them it seems like constantly, but she keeps laying eggs. I read that they stop laying eggs when they go broody. So does this mean she isn't seriously broody yet or she needs more golf balls, or she is broody and just keeps adding a few more to the collection?
No real experience here, but it seems like if she's sitting almost all the time she's probably going broody. I think they lay till they get the number they want to hatch, then sit on them.
Perhaps she is sitting so much cause she's in a small cage and there is nothing else for her to do.
OK I'm just rambling here, hoping someone else with more experience will chime in

Good luck
:)thanks, I kinda had the same thought process of her either going and not there yet:fl or just nothing better to do. but she is very good about getting off the nest to go potty eat and drink then back to the nest she goes. I'm wondering if it would be ok or not to put the eggs i want her to hatch in yet or wait till she quits laying though?
This stuff is kinda complicated for newbies. but interesting and fun.
Thanks, Jamie
Once again I have never done this, but I think she'll keep laying till she has eggs to sit on. Your description sure sounds like broody. I think I'd put some eggs under her and see what happens. Good luck

Imp- Course that's easy for me to say.
yea, this morning when i went in there to check on her she wouldn't get up and fluffed her feathers up and pecked at me, so I am putting eggs under her tonight.
yay! i am excited i hope this works.
I have three silkie hens. Usually when they stay on the nest for several days they're broody. The silkie breed seems to go broody a lot. My hens will get that look--like they're in a trance--and will get mad if I try to remove their eggs. I'll bet your silkie is broody. Congratulations!

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