silkie chick with broken leg--update: amputee--am I nuts?

I have a one legged silkie. She was attacked by a raccoon when she was around 2-3 months old. I had the same concerns that you have. She is doing great. She hops around with no problem at all, and is not picked on by the others. My husband built a special coop for her so she can easily hop into the hen house. I also took her to the vet, who stitched up the wound (the entire leg was gone). BTW, this happened in July. So I expect your silkie to be just fine. You did the right thing, and if *you* are crazy, then so am I.
Thank you Jarsheart, It is nice to hear form someone with a silkie as we all know they are not the most athletic breed and I was wondering if this was too much for a silkie. You made my daughter happy when I read her your post before she went to school. This chick can live in the house if need be!

Here is the little amputee:




Drinking some water:
She's beautiful!!! She looks so well
I'm sure she'll recover in no time and you'd be glad you didn't send her to chicken heaven!
awww....she is so cute! Makes me want a baby chick now! Does the baby have a name? or I could have missed reading it.

I want to start out by saying....I think YOU are a GREAT chicken momma!
and the rest is only a personal opinion....I believe if a person has any type of animal as a pet then they should be taken care of to the best of your ability. I feel they all deserve a chance (even if it's fighting chance) As a pet they only have the human parent to depend on. I am probably one of those that go beyond the call of duty taking care of my pets but I would have never adopted, purchased or took in a pet without knowing the moral obligations involved.
So, with all that said.....if "You" are crazy then Im sure alot of us are!
I am really surprised that there are more crazy...- oops I mean--like-minded folks out there. Because I never meet them. When I first posted, my tone was a bit sharp because I honestly thought I would be verbally attacked for my decision. Really! I agree with your philosophy. One look in to that chick's expressive liquid black eyes ...... Sometimes worry about my animals keeps me up at night, but I have always been this way and I take their comfort and care SERIOUSLY. Like I do with my own kids. Hahaha - I just remembered a friend of mine said that my backyard is like that commercial on TV, where all the animals whether predator or prey are singing together and swimming in the water hole oasis "yeah we get along..."
The chick is still eating and drinking and beginning to even try standing up now. Well she did for a short time as my daughter read her a book in the dining room.
Chickie has no name yet! I'm sure something will pop in to my head as I spend so much time with her now!
She looks so sweet. I am subscribing to this post because I want to see the video of her hopping and healthy! That story your vet told was very touching. He must be a great guy. I wish I could find a vet like that. I just payed 50$ to have a chicken put down so I am firmly on the crazy train with you all. Good luck with her and I think she is going to be a great little hop a long!

PS Have you named her? Cricket would be good!
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I have a partridge Brahma with one leg that never worked. We named her Hop-Along, Hoppy for short. I so often wanted to cull her but she isn't in pain and seems to be getting around just fine. She doesn't wander the entire yard like the rest of the flock, but I think she is happy and healthy.

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