Silkie contest!!!! For silkies only, come enter!!' Ends 10th August

ur welcome guys I absolutely loved your silkies!!! You guys have those American show silkies, we only have the standard show... they aren't as fluffy, but still cute.
I will be posting another contest in a few weeks, don't have time at the moment. keep checking for more contest- some might not be just silkies!
These are both examples of splash. I think your cute little rooster is black or really dark blue with silver leakage and the others look like like partridges or buffs :)
Lol, you are correct, Prinny and Bob are from the same parentage and they are blue/black with silver leakage. The others are red partridge . Btw Prinny turned out to be a roo , he is now ' jimmy Hendricks ' .

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