Silkie gender?

I have a silkie rooster. He is loud and crows a lot AND I live in suburbia where roosters are not allowed. So he wears a rooster collar which quietens his crows to about 25% of the noise level and at night he goes into my laundry so that when he starts crowing at 6am he will not be heard. So you can definitely keep a rooster in suburbia if you are prepared to put in the effort.
It's just a piece of fabric with velcro strips so you can make it a fixed diameter which you put around the rooster's neck. The idea is that it is loose enough so he can do all his usual activities such as running around, eating, drinking, mating etc, but tight enough so that there is reduced volume of the air sacs in his neck when he crows, so his crows are much quieter.
Don't think I will resort to a rooster collar. I would rather he be and happy. I have a wonderful lady to give him to if I have to so he can be a roo!:p
That sounds like partial suffocation so you can't hear as much, but he's still alive.... Hmmmm
Suffocation implies that he is being denied the amount of oxygen that he requires for life. This is definitely not the case. As I explained, the collar restricts the expansion of the air sacs in the neck which he needs to inflate to the full to make the loudest crow that he can. Therefore with the collar on he can only make a crow about 50% as loud as he could without the collar.

Don't think I will resort to a rooster collar. I would rather he be and happy. I have a wonderful lady to give him to if I have to so he can be a roo!

I am committed to keeping my rooster rather than giving him away to anyone else, and he is definitely living a rooster life 100% here!

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