Silkie Ladies in Need of a Few Good Eggs


7 Years
Jan 14, 2013
Ivanhoe Virginia
Hi! I'm new here and have 6 silkie chickens in Southwest Virginia. Four are roosters. My ladies have been living it up inside in my extra room for now. They are still young and have been sitting on eggs for the first time since 1/1/13. They are actually sitting in the same nest together and seem to have become a team. Unfortunately I don't think their eggs will be hatching as we are now going on day 27. They only had 3 to begin with and today decided to push one out of the nest then poop on it so I took that as, "this one's bad.". Heh. I have candled them and though they are fairly heavy and there is a dark shape within, I do not see any movement.
But this is my first time candling eggs and such as well. Since they seem to be on a serious baby having mission, I feel bad taking their eggs away from them now that they've sat on them since January 1st. I was hoping for advice or maybe someone in this area that could spare a few fertile silkie chicken eggs for them to try again.

I love these guys so please no wire cage and other not so nice suggestions of how to help them. I am a vegetarian so their eggs and meat hold no interest for me. I just want to help them out because I know how sad they will be when the eggs are gone. Also, my dudes seem rather depressed without the hens out there but we have been having awful weather so I don't want to kick the ladies out until it is slightly nicer so they don't get such a shock.



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