*Silkie not acting like herself - what can i do!?*

Cold is fine. Are any of them eating the scrambled eggs? Normally once one chick gets excited for them it quickly becomes a free-for-all. She does not need to eat the eggs but they are a great extra boost of protein and nutrients for a chick, plus eggs are easy to digest. Overall I found they do help perk up a weak chick.

EDIT: some people do mashed up boiled egg if you want to try that

Yes! One of the chicks grabbed a piece of egg and ran around showing it off so Mildred (my sick chick) went over and got some too! They ate it all up

She's still being weird though
Thats great it sounds like she is doing better.  Have you checked her at all for pasty butt?  

Yes, no pasty butt. She's just acting really weird making that chirpy/cricket sound CONSTANTLY and standing with her neck tucked/head close to her body and just looks sad or sick. Idk how else to describe it

She's just not being normal. I can't figure it out, it's driving me crazy!

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