silkie sexing

I'm no expert but I don't think girl silkies have wattles and if so definetly not that big at 11 weeks. My 17 week old girl and unknown don't have any wattles.... So I'd say Tiny is a boy .... Sorry
I have 2 black silkies and they have large wattles, I was sure they are boys until they one day started laying eggs :)

Here is my Beardless Silkie Pullet and her Wattles. This photo was from a few weeks ago, she's been laying cute lil eggs for a couple weeks now. 

Wow thank you!! My 7-8 month old as round a pouf as you can get , no comb at all , no wattles at all, very shy and docile subservient to other birds just crowed ! So as girlie as he looks.... Silkies never fail to surprise me!! I am learning so much!! Thanks for posting!
Aaggjg, beardless silkie roosters and hens/pullets BOTH have wattles. They are larger in the roosters. Below is a picture of Fifi my beardless white silkie pullet:

THANKS FOR CLEARING THAT UP!! I don't have beardless ..... :/ I would have totally thought your bird was a boy given the swept back crest and wattles.... Oh silkies how you confuse me so!!
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Hello, Please can someone tell me if this cute little bugger is a pullet? Its name is Goblin and its my daughters but we cant have any roosters where we live so we are really hoping its a girl! These were taken today, about 19 to 20 weeks old.


Hello, Please can someone tell me if this cute little bugger is a pullet? Its name is Goblin and its my daughters but we cant have any roosters where we live so we are really hoping its a girl! These were taken today, about 19 to 20 weeks old.


looks like a pullet so far
Your silkie looks like a pullet, but isn't that a rooster standing in the background on this last picture?
Yea I know that's Jules. He just started to crow two days ago and I know it sounds stupid but until then we thought we had all pullets. So the big guy in the back ground has to go this week

Thats when I decided I had better try and find out on the silkie too.

Thanks for your help its frustrating out of 9 so called pullets 4 have ended up being roos


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