silkie sexing

And what features make you say cockerel?

Those waddles are pretty big and he looks like he's got the streamers coming off the back of his head. The pictures are a little hard to see though. Do you have any clear shots of his comb? How old is he?

8 week old Paint silkie. I'm thinking cockerel based on the prominent comb. My other doesn't show one at the same age and is smaller.
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Hi folks! We've been waiting and waiting for this chick to grow up enough that we could post pix on here and get your opinion... Hopefully "it" is now grown up enough! So...boy or girl? :)

Born september 1st! bought from Papa's Poultry. I do believe they were labeled as silkies, but perhaps i didn't pay close attention to the description and sizzles/frizzles were in the mix!
Well silkies don't always photograph well I don't think. So if its silkies you'd know. I don't see and streamers but I don't think that is accurate if its not silkies. It's beautiful. Think it could go either way I'm not the best at sexing them yet. Perhaps someone else has better ideas?

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