silkie sexing

We have a few straight run silkies that just turned 4 weeks old. We have one we are pretty sure is a roo. He looks totally diff than the rest, stands tall like a giraffe, runs the show since day 1, super road runner fast, originally had a huge puff while everyone else had none, now everyone else is getting a perfect round puff and his shot up Kramer style. Just looking for any other thoughts. We're newbies :)

Im guessing cockerel but it's too early to know much either way
Hi, I posted a few weeks ago but it was too early and I was told to post again later on.
Here are the two that I think are Roos.
They look different to my others so any help would be appreciated, I'm guessing females wouldn't have such an enlarged comb. :(
Also any ideas what colour the grey/red one is, maybe too early to tell the sex but he/she has the oddest colour I've ever seen.


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