silkie sexing

Bummer.. i was hoping for hen since fir the last three days my roo keeps trying to mount it
Good Morning,
I have 3 silkies, this morning one attempted to crow so I believe I have 2 males and 1 female. 2 are much larger and have large crowns where the smaller one really doesn't. Do we need to seperate them? I wanted three females but........oh well, they are family now.
Lol if it's a being mounted it's a hen... why do people ask when their are obvious signs (mounting)......
Lol if it's a being mounted it's a hen... why do people ask when their are obvious signs (mounting)......

This makes me wonder if my partridge is a female. It has always stood tall like yours and I've always felt sure it's a roo. Now I'm wondering if it could be a female..
Males will sometimes mount other males as a sign of dominance. Actually one of my hens regularly mounts the other hens. So mounting is not always a for sure thing.

It's really not that common. It happens but not often and not usually in young pullets or cockerels. That's usually reserved for older overly dominant hens/roosters. We have about 40 standard and 20 bantams. Only one of our hens has ever done that and she only did it one time. Roosters usually only do it if their are to many together and not enough hens like when you have a bachelor pen.
Does this much comb growth on an 8 week old silkie indicate a rooster? I have 3 and this one's comb is tall, the other's is wide, and the last had no apparent growth.


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