Silkie stumbles backward and falls over


In the Brooder
Sep 7, 2020
I have a 4 month old silkie pullet. A few days ago, she was laying around more than usual and when she walked, she walked low to the ground. The next day, when she tried to walk, she stumbled backwards and fell on her face. She can't stand up or even hold herself upright while laying down. She is still eating if we hold her upright and looks around and "talks". I read some threads and thought maybe it was vitamin defficiency. I gave her Nutridrench and vitamin b yesterday and the day before, but she has not made any improvement.
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:welcome sorry for the circumstances. If it is a vitamin deficiency, it will take time for the effects of treatment to appear. Good luck with her. Any possibility that she received a blow to her head ?

I guess it is possible, I just figured that she would have instantly went into the way she is now. It is the fact that the first day she was just walking wierd, but had balance that made me think it was something else.
This sounds similer to what my chick has!! He is part silkie. He suddenly wasn’t able to walk and was falling on his head too. I isolated him and kept him in a cage near the house. At first I hand fed him every hour, but he is eating food and water when it is set next to him. He is slowly regaining muscle strength and coordination. I have no idea what happened to him, but he is thriving and can scoot around when laying down, and walks when held upright. I’d love to hear updates on yours!!
Also!! If she is laying down all of the time, make sure her cage is kept perfectly clean and wash or trim the feathers around her vent consistently to keep her poop off. My chick got Flystrike from not being kept clean.


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I have a 4 month old silkie pullet. A few days ago, she was laying around more than usual and when she walked, she walked low to the ground. The next day, when she tried to walk, she stumbled backwards and fell on her face. She can't stand up or even hold herself upright while laying down. She is still eating if we hold her upright and looks around and "talks". I read some threads and thought maybe it was vitamin defficiency. I gave her Nutridrench and vitamin b yesterday and the day before, but she has not made any improvement.
She has also been doing this thing sometimes when I set her down, she spazzes out and falls backwards and flops on her side.
She squac
By spazzing, do you mean kicking her legs and vibrating her wings? Mine did this too, but I associated it with not wanting to be put down. He did learn how to kick and scoot himself along without falling on his head eventually.
She sqwaucks and stetches up really tall and kicks her legs around. But she does it sometimes when I am not holding her also

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