Silkies and Cochins...


15 Years
Jan 7, 2009
Central Pennsyltucky
Alright, so, I think I'm going to go with silkies and cochins. I want to keep indoor birds, so there won't be very many at all, probably a hen of each. Now, are silkie and cochin roosters loud or obnoxious? I've seen them numerous times at the breeder's place, but I've never heard them crow. I tried listening to them on youtube to get a general idea, and the ones I found sounded like they were gargling instead of crowing, lol. Any help would be appreciated.
One of my old silkie roosters crowed 24/7, all night long. I have no idea why he did that, but it sure was annoying!
My bantam cochin's crow was very nice to listen to. He didn't crow to much, but when he did it was this pretty, deep purr of a crow. I loved it, and miss him so much!
Our one silkie roo crows occasionally, and it sounds like someone is strangling him! I have yet to hear my bantam cochin roo crow, but he sure is ornery!
Like Kanchii, I find my bantam cochin Roos to have a very pleasant crow. They are not shrill and annoying like some bantams, and not real loud like the large chickens. The silkie roos I have are about the same. They are a little lower pitched, but stillpleasant. None of either group, and I have 4 roos, crows very much. The cochins are just friendly and have never caused me any problems, but they do protect their hens if another roo comes near. The silkie roos are pretty good too, but are a bit more feisty, and try to protect their hens if I go near. The saving grace is they cant see with the fluff in their face so they rarely hit their mark.
My experience with the 2 breeds were odd. My Red Cochin rescue, Beating Blood was a meanie he was aggressive to a silkie roo. So I would go with the Silkie. But any Roo will crow if he hears another roo crow in my neck of the woods. 24/7 even if the moon is out like werewolves!!! Hahahaha..

But Silkie's Have 5 toes, unique feathers, feathered shanks, and dark skin.

Where as Cochins have (minus above) only feathered shanks.

But they are both beautiful birds so it is up to you..Hey take a vote!!!

I vote Cochins cause my Grandma hen was just a doll!!!
Hrmm. Looks like if I really want to try a roo, it should be the cochin. If I get one cochin roo, a cochin hen and a silkie hen, can the cochin roo fertilize the silkie? Will it produce ugly offspring or would it be hard to rehome the eggs/offspring of that mix? From what I've been reading, the silkie hens are better for egg production than the cochins (producing approximately 3/week vs. 2/week from the bantam cochins). These guys will be pets first, but I'd like to use them for egg production and to hatch out chickies and such. Hatching is last on the list, and egg production isn't too big of a deal (we're not huge egg eaters), but gentle birds is a must.

Also, if the cochin roo can fertilize the silkie hen, she would lay a whitish egg and the cochin should lay brownish, correct? I'm hoping that the pure eggs would be easy to distinguish from the mix.
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this really depends on the on the strain & it sounds like you have a breeder so she/he would be better at answering your questions!

I have both!
I think the B.Cohin lay better!
& I looked up info from chicken box that said
B.Cochin lay about 180 eggs year @ 30 grams
Silkies lay about 110 eggs year @ 25 grams
go to chicken breeds in 3rd box on top-

when page loads bottom 1/2 page breeds dble click breed
click right hand side info scrol to botom of page for Bantam!
I have never had a silkie but I love my Cochins.

I do not have bantams but the giants. My splash is quiet and sweet and talks softly to you when you hold her. The red OMG everyone in the neighborhood can hear that girl yelling for attention.

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