Silkies !! Hens or roos ??


8 Years
Nov 1, 2011
Columbia, MS
Wondering on sexing silkies. These are my first. The oldest being about 4 weeks. I have 5. I think 2 could be 4 weeks the other 3 are younger. Here some pictures. Never had silkies anything in particular i need to know about caring for them?




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they are one of the hardest breeds to sex and the best thing to do with them is wait till they eaither crow or lay.

as far as guessing their gender right now its a bit to early try posting again when they are around 6-12 weeks
OH goodness they are sooo stinkin cute! I have to agree with the others. I was right here with you a few months ago and I still am not 100% of mine. I went from "wait" to "I think you have 1 boy and 1 girl" to " I think they are both girls" So yeah, better to wait!
Thanks for the information. I am new to chickens. They add up fast. I wanted an incubator for Christmas so I could hatch eggs. After having 8 Lavender Orpingtons in a brooder I decided it is easier to have a hen to take care of babies. So I bought 5 silkies in hopes some of them are hens. They were about the same size as my 2 week old Lavender Orps so I put them in the brooder with them. Thank goodness they all get along. When we build our chicken barn gonna have a pen just for silkies. Can't wait. Chickens are very addictive. I have quickly gotten up to 30.
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