silly question- banty hen X regular roo?


10 Years
Nov 8, 2009
Our little japanese banty is sitting on eggs- I see development in the eggs, but it got me thinking- if that little hen crossed with some of the full sized roos, with the eggs still develop normally?
We have two japanese banty roosters and two red wyandotte bantam roos wandering around here, so there's a chance of a banty daddy...
My daughter picked them out at the local feedstore actually... I told her she could raise a few chickens of her own this year and she picked out the "runts" in the day old cage. Turns out they're japanese bantams, and quite handsome specimens at that!
I'm not sure it would be a problem. I'm not up on chicken breeding, but you can breed a shire horse to a miniature pony and the foetus will only grow as big as the womb allows, meaning you'd end up with a smaller shire, or larger miniature. Obviously the foal then grows to be neither as small as the miniature, nor as large as the shire, but you get my point.
To get bantams in the first place, selective breeding must have happened, involving breeding the smallest bird to the type of bird wanted to miniaturise, no?

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