Silver, blue, or platinum coturnix quail eggs wanted UK


5 Years
Jan 2, 2015
Durham, uk
Hi there im looking to buy eggs or quail with silver,blue or platinum colours if anyone has any or knows of.anyone in the UK please let me know. Kindest regards Jordan
Hi Jordan,

I am a very small backyard keeper of quail in SE London, and am quite obsessed with colourful plumages. I was also looking for these colours recently, and so far failed to find even a mention of them anywhere in the UK. Let me know if you were more successful.

I found a breeder of rare quail in my country of origin (silver, lavender, roux and what is called porcelain in chickens), and am trying to persuade DEFRA that I cannot live without them (the country is not in the EU, which complicates the matter awfully). Drop me a PM, I will keep you in mind in the unlikely case of success.

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