silver EE/americanas


Wanna-be Farmer
11 Years
Dec 16, 2008
I have a few silver/blue/brown Americanas and I just love the color and would like to continue to breed that particular color does anyone have some that are almost all silver and no brown? is the brown something that can be bred out so there is just the silver color? anyone have any pics of birds like these?

do you think I could continue the color with a white Araucanas rumpless roo and the silver hens? or should I get a silver roo as well?
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white just covers other colors...
I have silver ameraucana pullets and they are all brown with *silver* necks. I really don't know if it's possible to "spread" that color all over their body. Hens usually are pretty blase compare to the roos....
eta-silver/blue/brown sounds more like EE?
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Yes, I heard white best described as a lab coat, no way to know what color shirt is under it......
It covers other colors, does not work with them..
lavender is a whole different can of worms, and finding one isn't too likely.....I was told using black is best....

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