Silver leghorn temperament


In the Brooder
Dec 9, 2020
Does anyone have experience with silver leghorns? I am trying to find information online about temperament for this breed and haven’t found much. I have a young silver leghorn rooster and I’m particularly curious if anyone has had any experience with this variety.
Silvers are the same temperament wise as brown leghorns.
Some has to do with the line and a lot has to do with how they're raised.
I have two silver leghorn pullets and they are friendly but flighty. They fly well and have just started laying small white eggs about the size of my silkie eggs. Nothing compared to my white leghorns but their beauty makes up for it,
I have a silver leghorn rooster. I got him at about 9 months old two months ago. He now eats out of my hand and tolerates being briefly petted. He is very friendly to humans and actually seeks out our company!

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