Silver Leghorns


In the Brooder
9 Years
Jul 24, 2010
Thinking about getting some of these. I think they are beautiful birds but I am wondering if they lay as well as white leghorns. I have several whites and get an egg a day from all. Anyone have any experience with these birds?
No they don't lay as well as the white legs but they are nice.After the white is the brown then all the other colors are about the same as far as laying goes.We have had most colors but have sold them off because they lay a medium to large egg and not every day but not bad either.Once you get used to the jumbo white eggs from that tiny little white leghorn hen it's hard to settle for less for egg production.If your wanting more than just big white eggs every day then go for it because they are pretty make great free range birds and you will still get plenty of eggs.
Thanks for the reply. Im the guy in tuscaloosa that inquired about the silvers you had about a week ago. Ever get rid of them?
What about the exchequer leghorn - - - -?

Do you know about these ? ? Do they lay jumbo or large or medium eggs ? ?

Do they lay everyday like the plain white leghorn ? ? ? If not, how well do they lay ? ?
Thinking about getting some of these. I think they are beautiful birds but I am wondering if they lay as well as white leghorns. I have several whites and get an egg a day from all. Anyone have any experience with these birds?

I have three pullets we got on April 15th and they are beautiful birds. They are now right at five months, but haven't started to lay yet...really hoping they do soon! They are very flighty birds, not friendly. Two of them did a total fly-over of some newer Easter Eggers we had in run next to theirs before putting them together...checking the new ones out! We've had a hot summer and though we do have our coop very well ventilated, one or two (occasionally all three!) have decided they prefer sleeping outside in the trees. We live by the Raccoon River (very aptly named!), and so it's been a bit nerve-racking having them outside. They have survived, but all three are now back in the coop (most nights...) - I think they've had a few close calls, at least close enough to mostly convince them to stay in the coop at night!
I have three pullets we got on April 15th and they are beautiful birds. They are now right at five months, but haven't started to lay yet...really hoping they do soon! They are very flighty birds, not friendly. Two of them did a total fly-over of some newer Easter Eggers we had in run next to theirs before putting them together...checking the new ones out! We've had a hot summer and though we do have our coop very well ventilated, one or two (occasionally all three!) have decided they prefer sleeping outside in the trees. We live by the Raccoon River (very aptly named!), and so it's been a bit nerve-racking having them outside. They have survived, but all three are now back in the coop (most nights...) - I think they've had a few close calls, at least close enough to mostly convince them to stay in the coop at night!

Amending this a bit...once our Silver Leghorns started to lay, they became much friendlier and not so flighty! While they don't lay every day, they lay most days. The eggs range from small to medium sized.
Amending this a bit...once our Silver Leghorns started to lay, they became much friendlier and not so flighty! While they don't lay every day, they lay most days. The eggs range from small to medium sized.
How much do the silver leghorns weigh at adult age? I got some from murry mcmurry and they are 5 months and the roosters only weigh 1 pound!! Im not new to chickens but this is insane!
I don't know how much they weigh...have never weighed them. They are smaller, lightweight chickens - similar to pheasants I believe. My hubby once witnessed ours doing a "fly over" of some meat birds we were raising and said they flew just like pheasants and look like them too!

I don't have any leghorn roosters to breed them to, so no hatching eggs here.
countrygirl, I'm curious about your silver leghorns. At 5 months & only 1 pound, I'm thinking they sent you bantams. How did they end up?

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