Silver Sebrights?

Oncoming Storm

5 Years
Jun 3, 2019
So, TSC has some bantams and I’ve now descovered (thanks to you guys) that one is a silver sebright and I’ve done some reading and they sound and look like some awesome birds. Now I’ve come looking for some personal experiences with them. Any tips or anything to better my relationship with Tiny? He looooves sitting in our hands and is veeeeeeery vocal when we put him back in with the other two bantams. Is this normal for the breed or is it just part of his personality because he’s bored and the others are passed out from the stress of being relocated from the store?
I have a Silver Sebright. He's super vocal, too. Sounds almost like a song bird. My guy, Picotee, is 11 weeks old. He crows and is trying to be a roo. He's very affectionate and is a total lap chicken. The jury is still out as to whether or not a lap chicken makes a bad roo...

I'll be following this thread to see what others have to say!
I think you'll like your Sebrights a lot.
I have a 2 yr old Silver Sebright hen, Moonshine. She's my only bantam and yes, she's loud. What a personality. She's opinionated and outspoken, and tells all the others what she is thinking all day long. She is very friendly and I taught her to fly onto my arm for a treat.
flight (3 of 1).jpg
She goes broody a lot and so this year I let her hatch some babies. She was so pleased and was a very good mom. They are now weaned and bigger than her.
7-8 hen & chicks b.jpg
I have a Silver Sebright. He's super vocal, too. Sounds almost like a song bird. My guy, Picotee, is 11 weeks old. He crows and is trying to be a roo. He's very affectionate and is a total lap chicken. The jury is still out as to whether or not a lap chicken makes a bad roo...
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I'll be following this thread to see what others have to say!
I find it kinda funny because we thought that the sebright chicks look like wild bird chicks because of their size and Tiny likes it if you cup him in your hands like a bird nest. He also likes to hang out with my Buff silkie chick, Buffy, who’s about twice his size. I think she’s scared of him to be honest. (Just as a Note I don’t leave Buffy in there since she is so much older but I let her in on supervised visits lol)


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I think you'll like your Sebrights a lot.
I have a 2 yr old Silver Sebright hen, Moonshine. She's my only bantam and yes, she's loud. What a personality. She's opinionated and outspoken, and tells all the others what she is thinking all day long. She is very friendly and I taught her to fly onto my arm for a treat.
View attachment 1882173
She goes broody a lot and so this year I let her hatch some babies. She was so pleased and was a very good mom. They are now weaned and bigger than her.
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She looks so proud of her little ones. That’s adorable!
I think you'll like your Sebrights a lot.
I have a 2 yr old Silver Sebright hen, Moonshine. She's my only bantam and yes, she's loud. What a personality. She's opinionated and outspoken, and tells all the others what she is thinking all day long. She is very friendly and I taught her to fly onto my arm for a treat.
View attachment 1882173
She goes broody a lot and so this year I let her hatch some babies. She was so pleased and was a very good mom. They are now weaned and bigger than her.
View attachment 1882181
My silver Sebright pixie is six months old and is sitting on 10 eggs tight now for a week. She looks pretty determined to be a mom. I hope she’ll be a good one. :love

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