Single chick hatched under broody

Thank you so much for that info! That is so interesting about the body fat! I went ahead and stuck a few eggs under each of the two broodies and also put some in the incubator today. If they break, I’ll transfer them to the incubator!

The new chicks seem to be doing great with their mom and the single chick that she hatched. I didn’t even do anything special to introduce them, just handed them to her in broad daylight and she was like “Sure, I’ll take them!” Haha
I know this is a bit an older threat, but I’m glad that you gave her some other chicks ^^ I had a single chick with my broody last year, but somehow it had so much trouble with the flock and he was so scared of everything, which caused him to be a meal for a hawk…. Momma went to the flock after two months and this little dude was too scared of the other chickens which caused him to wander alone in our coop while cheeping hard.

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