Sitting ducks


In the Brooder
7 Years
Apr 12, 2012
I have two Pekin who have decided that December is a good time to start sitting on their eggs.
I have two Pekin who have decided that December is a good time to start sitting on their eggs.
Depending on what part of the country your in it may not be such a good idea. Keeping ducklings alive can present a problem if mama isn't attentive and you just never know with ducks. So if you decide to let them sit please have a brooder set up and ready when hatching gets started because there is always a chance you may have to bring those ducklings inside if they are to survive.
Duck has been sitting since Early December so we should be getting close to hatching. I noticed today that the eggs are turning a dark blue color. Is this OK or as I think that are dead and just starting to spoil.
Duck has been sitting since Early December so we should be getting close to hatching. I noticed today that the eggs are turning a dark blue color. Is this OK or as I think that are dead and just starting to spoil.
I think very carefully you should do some candling eggs turning can mean dead or rotten. I say very carefully because if rotten the can explode if your not gentle.and another way to check
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