Size difference


9 Years
Mar 8, 2010
Forest Grove, OR
I have 3 EEs and 2 BR chicks this spring. The EEs seem huge. Supposedly they all hatched on 3/8. Are EEs just bigger or are these ones older - by a couple of days or a week? It isn't a major size difference but when you look at the group you can easily pick out the EEs because of size.


Left to right - BR, BR, EE, and my HUGE EE.

I worry the one to the right is a roo because it is feathering out the fastest and is the biggest.
Hm, they do seem to be older, by maybe a day or so, I'd say. But if you got them all together and they've been raised together thus far, there shouldn't be any serious issues.

I've also heard that EE roos feather out slower than the hens and have 'blockier' primary flights when they come in.
But don't take my word on that 100%; sexing chickens is an art, not a science!

(Edited because I'm losing my eyesight and didn't see the primary flights on the other two chicks very well. Sorry.
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