Size of Chicken Tractor for 18 Chickens


In the Brooder
Apr 2, 2015
We are trying to figure out what dimensions to make a chicken tractor for 18 chickens, similar to the one under "Portable Coops" in the Chicken Tractor section of Coops (above) During the warmer months they will be let out to free range, but they will be confined in the cold weather. I do know that they need approximately 4-5ft per bird, but here is my dilemma... Does that include the pen And coop? I figured it up to about 90sq ft that we would need, but that seems awful big for just the coop area. I do want to make the fenced run area taller, in case I have to go in after any ornery gals, but otherwise just about like that one. Also in the mix we have a local coyote issue... TIA
The numbers that I have seen batted around are 4sqft/bird in the coop and 10sqft/bird in the run.

I have 8 birds in a 4X8 coop and feel I could probably increase that up to 10 judging by roost space they use. But my run is almost 180sqft(which should be good for up to 18 birds) and I feel they are crowded in there. Not too bad but I do wish I had more space for them in the run.

18birds seems like quite a lot for a portable setup. The one advantage you may have is that you can move the setup to new grass/pasture to keep them occupied but in winter you may have more problems with the space.
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Wow, yeah... that would be a bit big for a portable setup...We have acreage, but that would be a major undertaking to move, especially every couple of days like we had planned. We could split them up I suppose and have two tractors, but I will have to run it by the hubby... thank you!

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