I'm wondering about a new behavior I'm seeing and if it's pretty normal and also what I can do to change it. I have 3 ages of birds in my coop: about 18 weeks, about 7 weeks, and about 3 weeks. The 3 weekers are on the floor in a brooder, but they've been increasingly coming out through little doors. The 7 weekers are supposed to be living in the brooder and coming out the doors, but they've gotten brave over the last day and joined the big birds. The big birds own the coop and run.
So at night my 11 pullets used to spread out on their roosting bars, or at least sleep some at each end. Now I see they are all piling way too smooshed right at the top of the ladder on one end. It's really hot (high 90s in the day, lows in high 60s), so they aren't huddling for warmth. It just occurred to me that maybe I should just move the ladder!!! Anyways I am also really proud because tonight for the first time the 7 weekers just took themselves up onto the roosts. They just played it cool and nobody bothered them! (I love that my BCM hen, who my family has voted Least Likely to Peck the Babies' Eyes Out is standing next to them.) Anyway, pics below. I moved two chickens to the other end of my LONG roosting bars, because I can't stand the wasted space!
Any ideas how to get them to spread out like they used to? Or ideas why they may be bunching up like this? I don't see anything scary in the coop. Or is this just natural and maybe I haven't noticed before?
So at night my 11 pullets used to spread out on their roosting bars, or at least sleep some at each end. Now I see they are all piling way too smooshed right at the top of the ladder on one end. It's really hot (high 90s in the day, lows in high 60s), so they aren't huddling for warmth. It just occurred to me that maybe I should just move the ladder!!! Anyways I am also really proud because tonight for the first time the 7 weekers just took themselves up onto the roosts. They just played it cool and nobody bothered them! (I love that my BCM hen, who my family has voted Least Likely to Peck the Babies' Eyes Out is standing next to them.) Anyway, pics below. I moved two chickens to the other end of my LONG roosting bars, because I can't stand the wasted space!
Any ideas how to get them to spread out like they used to? Or ideas why they may be bunching up like this? I don't see anything scary in the coop. Or is this just natural and maybe I haven't noticed before?