Slipped achilles tendon on duckling


9 Years
May 3, 2010
Help Me !!
I have a month old Mallard duckling. I've just been told by a reputable Vet that treats ducks that he has a slipped tendon. He also told me there is really nothing that he can do. I feed Mazuri Waterfowl starter food and he/she has been well taken care of. I have 4 other Mallards which are the same age and none of the other ducklings have any health issues. They are kept in the house at night in a large pen which has 6 inches of shavings and it's completely cleaned out daily. During the day, weather permitting, I put them in a 12 ft x 12 ft pen which has grass. I let them loose in our acre fenced yard when I am there to watch them. On nice warm days I fill a kiddie pool so they can swim, always supervised. My master plan was to allow them on our 58 acre lake after they where 8-10 weeks old. Sorry I'm so verbose but I just wanted to give you background on how I'm caring for the ducks. This is the first time I have raised ducklings. Two days ago (sat.) one of the ducklings started to limp but still eats, drinks and can swim just fine. I took him to a Vet this AM (Mon) which treats ducks and he diagnosed a slipped Achilles tendon. He told me only 10% get any better on their own and surgery is not an option. Having been a Vet Tech for years I can't sit by and do nothing. I know very little about ducks but would be willing to do what I can. I'm already in love with these ducks they are so cute. Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated !!!! Has anyone successfully taped a slipped tendon ? Please help !
Thanks in advance,
OHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I feel so bad for you... sorry I cant help but I hope someone can
I am new also with my first ducks...
I will be watching your post..
I'm sorry I can't help either, but I do know that ducks are pretty hardy animals and it just may surprise you on healing. But I'm no expert. OK duck folks, we need some help here.
I have a young duck that hatched in November with a slipped tendon... I think I may have responded to your post in the accident /emergency section last night...

I am at work at the moment... But when I get home I will endevour to get you some more information.
I have read that there are stretching exercises you can do to try to get the tendon to slip back into place- and in some cases- the tendon can be slipped back inti place just with the fingers. - But with my little girl- Her leg was locked into position by the time she hatched and she has never had movement in the joint. It is also important to try to keep the toes active. If the muscles arent used regularly they will shrivel and the lower part of the leg can atrophy. ( SP? ) Swimming is very good therapy for a duck with leg problems- apart form the movements involved- the weight is also taken off the legs.

Did your Vet give you any advise on how to help the little one??
The Vet really gave me very little hope. He told me I should separate Quackers so he doesn't get trampled. He suggested to get him a smaller companion like a small chicken. He is miserable when I separate him and if the others step on him he quacks loudly at them and they respond. He's so much happier with his little flock. He swims very well in the kiddie pool and I make sure he gets at least an hour once or twice a day. When he's in the pool you can't tell him from the rest. He does use the bad leg in the pool. He took a few steps yesterday before his leg gave out. He eats and drinks well when he is with his flock and he will lay away from them. They come over and lay all around him almost in a protective way. I keep praying for a miracle !!
Regie did have a little friend in with her but only for about 4 days - and she has been on her own ever since. She is happy to sit in her bed but has learnt that if she quacks very loud I will come running. She doesnt do it very often..every second or third day. The trouble with getting a smaller companion is that they too may soon outgrow Quackers.
OK, truth be told last night my husband & I taped Quackers (I know, not very original) leg. I read an older post on someone who had success with taping slipped tendons on chickens. Now I know less than nothing about duck anatomy but I read her post over and over and tried to figure out how to do this. I don't know how different or similiar a chicken leg is to a duck leg. Maybe someone could tell me. But what did I have to lose, right???? Well I just put him out in the outside pen I take him out first by himself so the other ducks don't run him over and I left the gate open he has never gone anywhere. When I got out with the other ducks he was out of the pen and half way to the house. I didn't see him get there BUT he's been STANDING ! It may be my wishfull thinking but something is happening here. Let's put it this way, he is definitely not worse !! I don't know if the taping was correct and is helping but who cares ! I'll keep you posted.
FYI - This is for anyone looking for more info on Slipped Achilles tendon. In my last post I reported that we had taped Quackers bad leg. Well let me report that this has helped him tremendously. He walks with a limp but does not collapse on his chest like he did before the taping. He keeps up with the rest of the flock except for when they race around like mad ducks bat out of hell. He basically waits for them to calm down and work their way back to where ever he is, then he rejoins the flock. We're a few weeks away from me letting the flock down on our lake. So time will tell if he will be able to join them. All I can say is I have seen a vaste improvement since last week. He does weight bear on the bad leg but walks with a limp. He lays down when ever the flock is stationary and eating or resting. He knows he can't muscle the rest of the group and waits his turn to eat or drink. I help him in and out of the kiddie pool so he doesn't hurt himself, of course none of the ducks use the ramp I made for them. He is slightly smaller than the rest of the flock. I'll keep you posted but I am still very optimistic !

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