Slugs help


In the Brooder
Jun 29, 2020
Hey i have a massive problem with slugs going into the coop at night the girls dont eat slugs maybe because they see enough of them 🤣 every morning i see loads of trails of slime everywhere even up the walls of there house i hang there food from the roof and i hang it higher at night but slugs still seem to get in the food and leave trails on it and leave there water dish all slimey i wash there water dish every day, its so annoying i need to find a soloution that wont harm my girls but stop slugs coming in there house 🙄
You can put DE in the bottom of the coop with the bedding. And i have seen other posts that say to put beer out to attract the slugs and kill them. Also hanging the feeder and waterer can help.
Thanks for ur reply i do hang there water and food from the roof on a bit of wire and everynight i wrap the wire round more so its higher at nighr if u get me, i will try the de powder but not to keen on trying the beer as i dont want my girls drinking it

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