Small eggs and small chickens

from washington state glad you joijed us !
Hello and Welcome to BYC!

Some observations that might help you:

If you purchased your birds from hatcheries/feed stores they will be smaller than the birds bred by breeders. Hatcheries do not "cull" for small size, or any health problems, and that can cause the birds size to decrease with constant breeding to smaller birds.

Another thing I am finding out here on BYC is that scratch grains are like candy to the birds - it doesn't really contain the nutrients and protein they need to grow. Feed them mostly the layer feed - only give them the scratch as a "treat".

If you want them to get bigger faster you can feed them un-medicated chick starter, or turkey starter it contains more protein which helps them grow.

I have found my birds take about 6 months of laying to catch up with the egg size of my older birds - so maybe they just need some more time. Its also winter - the growth slows down as they use their food to keep them warm....

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