small, longish brown bugs found in chicken feed!


10 Years
May 30, 2009
camden, nj
i was transfering my chicken feed from the bag it came in to a plastic tupperware thingy and noticed small but long brown bugs crawling in the food. they don't look like the pictures of mites i've seen. is it a problem that they are in the food? my husband seems to think that since chickens eat bugs it shouldn't be a problem. but is it a sign that the food has gone bad? we just bought this bag 3 days ago!

thanks for your help!
sorry, but I would take it back. They are most likely harmless.But, there are some beetles (blister beetles) that are very poisonous. I doubt that they would be in chicken feed, but it's not worth it, IMHO.
Yeah return it. Probably OK for the chickens to eat the bugs, but Allison Finch has a good point. Also if the bugs have really infested the feed there might be little nutrition left, and you are feeding the chickens bug waste.

Return it for sure - be careful to check new bags for bugs if buying from the same supplier. Look for holes in feed bag. Fresh feed should be bug free!

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