Small Wings almost no feathers


12 Years
Jan 21, 2008
New Bern, NC
I have seven chicks that are two weeks old on Monday. They have have nice wings and tail feathers growing in except one. Its a barred rock. Its has the same size body as the rest of them but she looks just like she did a week ago with respect to the feathers she has. Does anyone know why this is happening and if she will grow them later?
Different breeds feather out at different rates. You will also find males and females in a number of breeds feather out very differently from each other. So I really wouldn't worry if she is growing normally otherwise.
As I recall my barred rock roo's would feather out much slower than the hens. I use to give the some wet cat food once a day for the extra protein. I would just mix it with some of their starter pellets. That gave them the little extra boost that they needed.

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