Hello all! I'm new to this community, so thank you in advance for any help! I have 4 new baby Pekin ducklings that are just about 2 weeks old (3 girls and 1 drake). It's our first time with ducks, and I'm really trying to do everything right. One of the girls (Annie) isn't growing as quickly as the others, and she seems like she sits a lot... she'll walk around, but often plops down when she gets there, while she's eating/drinking/etc., and spends more time under the EcoGlow than the others. When she's getting ready to stand up, she seems to balance more on her knees but then is a little wobbly/pigeon-toed when she finally pops all the way up on her feet. Any idea what could be going on? She previously was getting some poop on her butt, but it seems to have corrected itself after a little extra attention and a little apple cider vinegar added to their water.
I thought maybe it was a niacin deficiency, but I have been feeding them all Manna Pro Duckling/Gosling starter/grower crumbles, which have 55mg niacin. I started adding some brewer's yeast to supplement and just this morning started feeding Annie a separate bowl of food with 1/4 tsp of Durvet High Level B Complex mixed in. I'm not sure if I'm doing the right thing and am also a little worried about overdosing her with niacin. Any ideas / advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much!
I thought maybe it was a niacin deficiency, but I have been feeding them all Manna Pro Duckling/Gosling starter/grower crumbles, which have 55mg niacin. I started adding some brewer's yeast to supplement and just this morning started feeding Annie a separate bowl of food with 1/4 tsp of Durvet High Level B Complex mixed in. I'm not sure if I'm doing the right thing and am also a little worried about overdosing her with niacin. Any ideas / advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much!