Smallest chick I've ever seen! ********PICS ON PAGE 2. POST #20******

on the small pics (1st pics I posted) I put a lion behind them so that they would be scared and the won't move lol
you can see the lion on pic number 4 from the small pics
she did got scared you should of heard her! she was the loudest hen ever! lol
and on the other BIG pics they just posed for me since I told them that if they let me take a quick pic for them I would let them free-range all day and they did lol. The top pics (small) were taken yesterday and the bottom ones where taken last year on february. Im about to post a pic showing the egg that the x-tra chick hatched from in a bit.
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Im worried about her/his health though. Since she is small and she might get stepped on.
Son, that is the best comparison photo sequence I have seen in a while. It shows us exactly what you were trying to tell us in words. It is a small baby, that's for sure!

you need to see her in real life! she is 2 inches tall! and can you see that a can is about 3.5 inches and the chick 2 inches! he is REAL small, well for me I don't know for y'all
I have a black orpington hen who was a tiny chick but she is growing rapidly and is now larger than my barred rocks. Some are just smaller but no less healthy. good luck with your little one. What kind is the hen it came from. She is pretty. Gloria Jean
Don't know what she is. I got her from the "assorted chicks" in the feedstore on february 2008
FOUND her breed! she is a Golden Dutch Bantam! I have a hatchery catalog and I took a look and found her breed!

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