Smallest chicken gets bullied.

:welcome :frow I would separate her and give her her own space. I have had to do that. I do have a coop and pen that I use for sick or injured birds. Currently I'm using it as a breeding coop and pen. I do have a hen that was being picked on and now she is in a cage recouping. I'm planning on moving those birds to another coop and pen and when I do I'll put her back in and then it will be new to all of the birds and they may not pick on her anymore. It has worked in the past. Good luck and have fun...
I think so, going by what I have seen they have more than most around here and free range within 1 1/2acres.
I meant in the coop. Any bird kept in a very large pen or permitted to free range rarely has trouble during the day. It's the roosting at night in the coop when they are locked in that trouble ensues when it's too small.

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